Alfanzyme Bio Solutions
Sugar Enzymes (Promodex)
Single Enzymes
Brewery Chemicals
Molasses Fermentation Enzyme
Pulp and Paper Enzymes
Textile Enzymes
Industrial Chemicals
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Molasses Fermentation Enzyme
Our organization is well-acknowledged for providing excellent quality GLUCOZYME ADVANCE for Molasses Fermentation Enzyme. Our Molasses Fermentation Enzyme is a synergistic blend of enzymes. The Molasses Fermentation Enzyme prevents contamination and converts the polysaccharides to monosaccharides, with improved vitality & efficiency of yeast and remove disease like elongation clumsy, bunching, thus increasing the total reducing sugars by 2-3% and decrease in volatile acids by 20-30% in the Molasses Storage tank.
Alfa Max (Enzyme for Molasses storage)
It is a cocktail of enzyme that mainly prevents contamination and converts the polysaccharides to monosaccharides, thus increasing the total reducing sugars by 2-3% and decrease in volatile acids by 20-30% in the Molasses Storage tank, reduce yield yeast contamination.
Molasses Fermentation Enzyme has three major modes of actions:
Hydrolyzes a part of unfermentable sugar in the molasses and converted it to fermentable sugar. (which yeast can take up for fermentation)
Protease side activity of Glucozyme Advance liberates Fann (free alfa amino nitrogen) by hydrolyzing the proteins present in molasses. (which works as a food for yeast)
Protease hydrolyzes the cell wall of bacteria, which is made of proteins. (leading to the elimination of contamination)